Christian Life ForMe

Chat Rules

1. Listen to the Ops/Admins
   - They were placed in their positions for a reason, to keep the chat room clean, safe, and fun.

2. No inappropriate nicknames.
   - If you need to ask if a nickname is inappropriate, don't use it.

3. No swearing, or foul language.
   - There will also be no taking the Lord's name in vain.
   - Euphemisms are not tolerated.

4. Be nice to other users.
   - Treat other users with respect.
   - No annoying other users. If you are annoying someone and they ask you to stop; do so.

5. No posting links without getting permission from an Op/Admin
   - Also, when posting what you are listening to, please try to only post christian music. There are so many good christian songs out there, why bother with the other stuff. more

6. No inappropriate talk: drugs, sex, or illegal activities.
    - During the discussion of these topics, there will be no promotion of anything sinful.
    - There will be no promotion of any illegal activities.

7. No promotion of other belief systems.
    - This chat exists so that Christians have a place of fellowship. While people that don't share our beliefs are welcome, they must follow the rules like everyone else. Our Beliefs

8. Do not debate the Bible.
    - E.G. The bible says "You shall not steal."Exodus 20:15 There is no question about the meaning of this, so don't debate it.

9. WEBCAM     - No indencent exposure of yourself or others, or of images on camera.
    - No swearing on mic. See rule 3.
    - Please wear heaphones or a headset, or it will make an echo for the rest of the users.
    - NOTICE: The administration of this site has the ability to view all webcams, even those marked as private. While it is not our intent to spy on you, the safety of the users here is important to us. As always, Private messages are private and unviewable by the administration.

10. No Spying/NSA
    - No spying... so if you join and just sit there without saying anything at all, we reserve the right to kick you. The bot will auto kick you if you never say anything. No reason you can't at least say hi. :)

On to the chat

Click here for instructions for using the webcam and microphone.
Now that you've looked over the rules, you can head right on in.
You may also connect with kiwi if you prefer:
If you'd like to connect with your own client: ssl on port:6670
Don't have a client? You can try out one of these: ice-chat, AdiIRC, quassel, x-chat2

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